

Beginners / Advanced Mosaic Course 2019

In the beginner’s mosaic course you learn the basics using different materials. Ceramics, glass, and broken porcelain are the materials you learn breaking, cutting, using various laying techniques and finalize with grouting.
Advanced students work with alternative basic objects such as a sphere or a cylinder. There are many options like candle holders, glass vases or slightly shaped plates.

Course fees
Beginner’s: 90 Euro including material
Advanced: 90 Euro plus costs for alternative substrate

Wednesdays 18:30 h – 21:00 h
additional: December 11th, 13th, 18th 2019 from 10 h to 12:30 h
Maximum 5 participants
Please sign up: helgadangel.hd(@)
mobile ++49 (0)160 1251112

Open Workshop

Advanced students who completed a beginner’s course and know basic mosaic laying and cutting techniques have the opportunity to work independently in my studio. Here you will receive suggestions and assistance. Tools are available. Materials can be brought along or bought in the studio.

The fee for one evening is Euro 20.
Number of participants: maximum 5
mobile ++49 (0)160 125 1112.
Open Tuesdays 18:30 to 21:00 h
December 10th + 17th 2019

Weekend-Workshops 2020

The courses are designed for intermediate/advanced mosaicists who practice already with hammer and hardy or who want to add the ability to their repertoire.

Time 1: 24. – 26. April 2020
Time 2: 26. – 28. June 2020
The detailed course description and prices will follow by Dec. 15th 2019.

Time frame: Friday arrival in Ulm early morning, work time from 11 am – 5 pm.
Saturday and Sunday work time 9 am to 5 pm.

The number of participants is limited to 5 people.